Stith's Information for Writers
Bibliography of Books on Writing (including SF & Fantasy)
- Block, Lawrence. Writing the Novel. Writer's Digest Books, 1979.
- Bova, Ben. Notes to a Science Fiction Writer. Scribners, 1975.
- Bretnor, Reginald, ed. The Craft of Science Fiction. Harper and Row, 1976.
- Card, Orson Scott. How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy. Writer's Digest Books, 1990.
- de Camp, L. Sprague and Catherine C. Science Fiction Handbook, Revised. Owlswick, 1975.
- Dickson, Frank and Smythe, Sandra, eds. Handbook of Short Story Writing. Writer's Digest Books, 1970.
- Egri, Lajos. The Art of Creative Writing. Citadel, 1965.
- Egri, Lajos. The Art of Dramatic Writing. Simon and Shuster, 1946.
- Elbow, Peter. Writing With Power. Oxford, 1981.
- Gardner, John. The Art of Fiction. Vintage, 1985.
- Knight, Damon. Creating Short Fiction. Writer's Digest Books, 1981.
- Knott, William. The Craft of Fiction, Revised Edition. Reston, 1977.
- Koontz, Dean. Writing Popular Fiction. Writer's Digest Books, 1972.
- Longyear, Barry. Science Fiction Writer's Workshop -- I. Owlswick, 1980.
- Porter, Roy E., et al. The Writer's Manual, Revised Edition. Chicago Review Press, 1979.
- Rockwell, F. A. How to Write Plots That Sell. Contemporary Books, 1975.
- Rusch, Kristine Katherine and Smith, Dean Wesley, ed. Science Fiction Writers of America Handbook, Pulphouse, 1990. (Pulphouse, Box 1227, Eugene, OR 97440.)
- Science Fiction Writers of America. Writing and Selling Science Fiction. Writer's Digest Books, 1976.
- Scithers, George, et al. On Writing Science Fiction. Owlswick, 1981.
- Scott, Melissa, Conceiving the Heavens: Creating the Science Fiction Novel, Heinemann, 1997.
- Strunk, William, Jr. and White, E. B. The Elements of Style, Second Edition. MacMillan, 1972.
- University of Chicago Press. A Manual of Style. Univ. of Chicago, 1969.
Books on the Business of Writing
- Curtis, Richard. Beyond the Bestseller. New American Library, 1989.
- Goldin, Stephen and Sky, Kathleen. The Business of Being a Writer. Harper & Row, 1982.
- Mayer, Debby. Literary Agents: A Writer's Guide. Poets and Writers, Inc., 1983.
- Polking, Kirk and Meranus, Leonard. Law and the Writer. Writer's Digest Books, 1978.
- Spinrad, Norman. Staying Alive: A Writer's Guide. The Donning Company, 1983.
Periodicals with SF & F Market Information,
- Gila Queen's Guide to Markets, P. O. Box 97 Newton, NJ 07860 USA. Market report for professional SF, fantasy, and horror markets, including small presses. Monthly.
- Locus. P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661 USA. Newsletter of the SF field. Monthly.
- Scavenger's Newsletter. 519 Ellinwood, Osage City, KS 66523 USA. Market report for small press SF, fantasy, and horror. Monthly.
- Science Fiction Chronicle. P.O. Box 2988, Radford, VA 24143-2988 USA. Newsletter of the SF field. Monthly.
- SFWA Bulletin. Available to non-members by subscription. Check with Science-fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Quarterly.
Colorado and New Mexico SF & F Groups and Conventions
- COSine annual SF&F convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado in January.
- Denver Area Science Fiction Association (DASFA). They publish a monthly newsletter, DASFAx.
- MileHiCon, P.O. Box 101322, Denver, CO 80250 USA. Annual SF&F convention in October, usually the daylight savings time change weekend.
- New Mexico SF Conference, P.O. Box 37257, Albuquerque, NM 87176 USA. They put on Bubonicon, the annual SF&F convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico in August.
On-Line Resources
- Common errors in manuscript format and preparation.
- Michael A. Banks has made available several of his articles about writing, including some of his Writer's Digest articles.
- Jeffrey A. Carver's "Advice to Aspiring Writers" includes a number of helpful references. He also has developed a course in SF for the MathSoft Online Learning Studyworks Science Deluxe.
- Ralph S. Hoefelmeyer is available for weapons consulting.
- Charles S. Tritt, Ph.D. does science consulting for SF writers.
- Robert J. Sawyer's site is extensive.
- Dueling Modems provides SF-related discussions.
- Science Fiction Stories with Good Science.
- SFF Net provides SF-related discussions.
- Among the articles on the SFWA web site are the Model Author-Agent Contract and Hunting for an Agent.
- SF Colorado surveys speculative fiction in the state..
Other Material of Potential Interest
- People interested in the timeline of one writer's career can see a list of John E. Stith's career milestones.
John E. Stith Additional Online Links