John E. Stith's Wallpaper

Get your John E. Stith free desktop wallpaper here.

Come back from time to time as additional views are made available. More widescreen versions will be added, too.

All desktop wallpaper here is available free for personal non-commercial use.

Formats provided: VGA(640x480), SVGA(800x600), XGA(1024x768), SXGA(1280x1024), UXGA(1600x1200). 
Planned formats: QXGA(2048x1536) and widescreen(1600x900)

Newest Wallpaper


640x480   800x600  1024x768  1280x1024  1600x1280

Widescreen Version: 1600x900 (16x9)


(Caption: Extreme Sports 227: Skydiving on Porcupine.)

Extreme Sports 227: Skydiving on Porcupine

640x480   800x600  1024x768  1280x1024  1600x1280

Widescreen Version: 1600x900 (16x9)


(Caption: The Zorkleburts' wilderness retreat went reasonably well until the day Farworld was "mooned.")

Ski resorts on Pavitor find they have few repeat customers.

640x480   800x600  1024x768  1280x1024  1600x1280

Widescreen Version: 1600x900 (16x9)


More Wallpaper at Stith's Wallpaper Gallery 1.

More Wallpaper at Stith's Wallpaper Gallery 2.

More Wallpaper at Stith's Wallpaper Gallery 3.

More to come in the future.

All art is copyright © 2000-2010 by John E. Stith.

To buy products like mousepads, mugs, tote bags, and shirts with some of this artwork on them, visit Stith's CafePress Store.

John E. Stith is the Nebula-Award finalist and author of science-fiction novels such as MANHATTAN TRANSFER and REDSHIFT RENDEZVOUS.

To visit Stith's home page, with free novel excerpts and a $2 download of a complete SF novel, press the Home Page button below.