
MANHATTAN TRANSFER Optioned for Television


MANHATTAN TRANSFER, first published by Tor Books and the Science Fiction Book Club, has been optioned in 2022 for television by award-winning producer Sky Conway. The series iwas originally to be called SKYJACKED, but currently is using the original book title. More information here.

Skyjacked artwork


Tiny Time Machine 2 sold to Amazing Stories

Amazing Stories has purchased TINY TIME MACHINE 2: RETURN OF THE FATHER a sequel toTINY TIME MACHINE. Expect to see it in 2023. TTM2 is also a novella-length piece. With luck, a third novella will round out the trilogy in the future.

New Short Story in NATURE

A new John E. Stith short-short story was published today (17 March 2021) in NATURE. A school prank turns a student green. Editor Collin Sullivan brilliantly scheduled it for St. Patrick's Day. "Chlorophyllis."

Artwork copyright 2021 by Jacey. Used with permission.

New TINY TIME MACHINE Interview with Wild About Authors

A new interview about Tiny Time Machine is online now, this one with Wild About Authors. It also contains a plug for our favorite local bookstore, Hooked on Books.

TINY TIME MACHINE Published by Amazing Stories

TINY TIME MACHINE has just been published on January 15th 2021. TTM is a young adult science-fiction short novel published by Amazing Stories under their Amazing Select imprint for stand-alone books. Buy Here!


Tiny Time Machine ad

Short Story Published in Daily Science Fiction

A new John E. Stith short-short story was published today (11 September 2020) in Daily Science Fiction. It's a mix of time travel and spamming. "Bob, We Really Need Your Help"

Short Story published in NATURE

A new John E. Stith short-short story was published today (15 July 2020) in NATURE. It's a mix of time travel and bureaucracy. "Goodbye, Howard Henning"


Video with Book Excerpt for Super Relaxed Fantasy Club

For the Super Relaxed Fantasy Club (SRFC) in the UK, I recorded a short video that includes an excerpt from the upcoming novella TINY TIME MACHINE. I also talk extremely briefly about a few favorite SF books. I think the club's normal pattern is to have folks stop in for a drink and a chat, but that format has obviously been disrupted.

New Novella Sold to Amazing Stories

Amazing Stories has just bought "Tiny Time Machine," a 33,000-word novella. The plan is not that it be published in the magazine, but as a stand-alone, heavily illustrated book, possibly as soon as later this year. The book will be designed for the Young Adult market.

"Tiny Time Machine": All life on Earth will die of thirst unless a couple of loners running from the cops can use a portable time machine to stop a secret project.

New Pushback Review by Deborah J. Ross

Deborah J. Ross reviewed PUSHBACK in Short Book Reviews on 7 February 2020

Short Book Reviews:

A Psychological Thriller from SF Master John E. Stith



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