Reviews of the Works of John E. Stith

Titlesort ascending View
Memory Blank

"Gave me the most realistic description of living in an O'Neill colony of anything I've read, and colony descriptions are interwoven through this fast-paced and intriguing story."

1986-07-01 July 1986 L5 News Carla Bucy view
Memory Blank

"John Stith is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. Good reading!"

1986-06-01 June 1986 Galactic Dispatch Joe Sokola view
Memory Blank

"Pretty good fun."

1986-05-01 May 1986 Fantasy Review Joe Sanders view
Memory Blank

"In the realm of novels, John E. Stith's Memory a good solid mystery, a good adventure, and even a good science-fiction novel--all between one set of covers."

1986-05-01 May 1986 Starlog Chris Henderson view
Memory Blank

"It is good SF, it's a fine mystery, and it's also quite funny at times.... I recommend this book very highly."

1986-04-01 February 1986 FOSFAX Timothy Lane view
Memory Blank

"Memory Blank combines mystery and science fiction well, allowing the technology to become part of the plot. This is a truly hard combination to pull off, but Stith does it well."

1986-04-02 April 1996 FOSFAX Bruce Gardner view
Memory Blank

"I liked it a lot.... I loved Vincent, who has the BEST lines."

1986-03-01 March 1986 I Love a Mystery Carol Howell view
Memory Blank

"Be warned: once started it's hard to put down. "

1986-02-01 February 1986 Front Range L5 Newsletter Carla Bucy view
Memory Blank

"This story is a must read!...intricate web of intrigue... complex and satisfying ending...This book gets four stars in my opinion!"

1986-01-01 January 1986 CompuServe George Wilhelmsen view
Memory Blank

"[Memory Blank] is a fine book, and one that won't be soon forgotten."

1986-01-01 1986 (Gryphon Books) Science Fiction Detective Tales Gary Lovisi view
Memory Blank

"Enticing enough to cause you to read it straight through."

1985-12-01 December 1985 Modem Times Jennifer Petkus view
Manhattan Transfer

Now this book answers the question as to whether or not there is life out there in the universe besides us, by introducing us to a race of aliens, who express their curiosity about mankind in the most extreme fashion by carving the city of Manhattan out of the ground and transporting it and the people within the city limits to a planet far, far away and well...I'm going to leave it at that for the plot because this is an intricate story that needs to be experienced and that's largely due to the fact that Mister Stith does such an incredible job of world building. In fact that's really what we are going to be talking about today when it comes to this review, John's amazing ability to create a world and draw you in because once you open this book up, you're going to have trouble putting it down. ...

It's refreshing to say the least because by getting us right into the story and right into the mess these characters are in, we are instantly part of this world and instantly part of their lives and now we are vested and have to know how it ends, and that's where the fun begins since in no time, you find yourself turning page after page to understand more about this strange new world and the incredible situation the people of Manhattan are now faced with. ...

if you're a fan of science fiction and are looking for a fun novel that delivers a unique idea and wastes no time in giving you everything you want, check out Manhattan Transferyou'll be glad you did.

Full review at Nerds That Geek.


2016-10-18 10/18/2016 Nerds That Geek John Edward Betancourt view
Manhattan Transfer

"As with all of Stith's books, this one was written with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. He has a way of writing enjoyable sci-fi, full of adventure and endearing characters, without taking his subject too seriously. This book definitely puts the fun back into alien abduction."

1997-10-15 October 1997 Mars Hotel Jerry & April view
Manhattan Transfer

"This is a fun book that is hard to put down.... It makes a great end of summer book and I suspect would make a wonderful movie."

1995-09-15 15 September 1995 Washington Science Fiction Association Journal Samuel Lubell view
Manhattan Transfer

"If you like books by authors such as Larry Niven and Hal Clement, ...or if you are into SF by Americans (for this novel radiates the American psyche like no other that I have read), then buy it."

[Truth in advertising alert: this reviewer didn't like the book, but the author did see something of value in the quote.]

1995-04-01 Sprint 1995 Vector, The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association Steve Palmer view
Manhattan Transfer

"Well-written hard sf adventure."

1995-02-01 Feb-Mar 1995 Matrix, The Newsletter of the British Science Fiction Association unknown view
Manhattan Transfer

"Some ideas are just too good to pass up... the pleasure is in the nonstop action and the problem the characters must solve."

1994-11-01 November 1994 New York Review of Science Fiction Leonard Rysdyk view
Manhattan Transfer

"John E. Stith's Manhattan Transfer is great fun for those who like a puzzle in their science fiction."

1994-10-01 Oct/Nov 1994 Uncle Hugo's SF Bookstore newsletter Don Blyly view
Manhattan Transfer

"[Stith can take] a mind-stretching concept and push it to its uttermost limits, all the while making the reader feel anyone could easily encompass each new development and twist, thanks to Stith's clear descriptive prose and keen visual sense."

1994-09-01 September 1994 Science Fiction Age Paul Di Filippo view
Manhattan Transfer

"That sense of wonder--the feeling of transcendence, of glimpsing a cosmic perspective--also can be found in the novels of John E. Stith."

1994-06-30 30 June 1994 Now: Toronto's Weekly News and Entertainment Voice Robert J. Sawyer view
Manhattan Transfer

"Who says good, solid, imaginative science fiction is getting harder to find these days? Here is a book that has it all...Terrific story! Creative, fast-paced, tightly plotted. A great read!"

1994-05-01 May 1994 (no. 42) Lan's Lantern Lynn McMillen view
Manhattan Transfer

"John Stith is, I believe, one of the most under-rated SF authors to appear in a long while....Despite its length (380 pages) it reads like a short story and the action does not lag."

1994-03-01 March 1994 Ottawa SF Society Statement Duncan MacGregor view
Manhattan Transfer

"How can you possibly resist?... Superscience SF in the classic vein, fast-moving, heroic...loaded with sensawunda. You'll love it."

1994-02-01 February 1994 Analog Tom Easton view
Manhattan Transfer

"Stith writes a fascinating novel filled with a variety of aliens and alien science."

1994-02-01 February 1994 Voice of Youth Advocates John O. Christensen view
Manhattan Transfer

"Best of the year in science fiction, fantasy, and horror (listing only three novels, one story collection, one art book): ""One of the most fun science fiction novels in years."

1993-02-26 26 December 1993 Rocky Mountain News Mark Graham view
