Reviews of the Works of John E. Stith
Title | View | |||||
Deep Quarry |
"A fun cross-genre fling." |
1989-03-01 | March 1989 | Locus | Carolyn Cushman | view |
Deep Quarry |
"Successful blend of sf and hard-boiled detective fiction." |
1989-02-15 | 15 February 1989 | Library Journal | Jackie Cassada | view |
Deep Quarry |
"Stith's writing is good." |
1989-02-01 | February 1989 | Drood Review of Mystery | Ed Blachman | view |
Deep Quarry |
"My favorite kind of story--a novel that starts small, then slowly builds in momentum until it fairly explodes with excitement. Deep Quarry is intriguing, mystery/science fiction at its best." |
1989-02-01 | Feb/Mar 1989 | Rave Reviews | Dorothy Renko | view |
Deep Quarry |
"Watch for Stith's next book." |
1989-01-29 | 29 January 1989 | Denver Post | Don C. Thompson | view |
Deep Quarry |
... breathes new life into the essential components of the murder mystery -- wisecracking detectives ... classy dames, corpses ... by setting his novels in science fictional environments. The SF is not mere window dressing, but an essential story element. ... Deep Quarry should appeal to both mystery and SF fans. ... Stith's earlier novels [list] may be hard to find, but are well worth the effort. |
1989-01-01 | Issue 20 | Grab-Bag | Rita J. McConville | view |
Deep Quarry |
"Excellent...Highly readable." |
1989-01-01 | 1/1/1989 | Erg Quarterly | Terry Jeeves | view |
Deep Quarry |
"[Deep Quarry is] a strong, interesting, satisfying mix of comfortable themes from two genres that rarely seem to mix this happily." |
1989-01-01 | Winter 1989 | OtherRealms | Chuq Von Rospach | view |
Redshift Rendezvous |
"This is absolutely one of the most terrific ideas for an SF novel I've seen in years. My first thought was, 'Why couldn't I have come up with this?' My second thought, too." |
1989-01-01 | Author quote | Author quote | Connie Willis | view |
Deep Quarry |
"If you're looking for a way to spend an afternoon or evening with a nice interesting book, this is a good one." |
1988-11-01 | November 1988 | Journal of Mind Pollution | Irv Koch | view |
Deep Quarry |
"A worthy addition to such delights as Memory Blank." |
1988-10-01 | October 1988 | FOSFAX | Timothy Lane | view |
Death Tolls |
"Stith draws upon his background in the Air Force with NORAD, and at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland." |
1988-03-01 | March 1988 | Mensa Bulletin | Tom Elliott | view |
Death Tolls |
"It's fun." |
1987-11-01 | November 1987 | Science Fiction Chronicle | Don D'Ammassa | view |
Death Tolls |
"Stith adds superb technological detail to a classic whodunit. This novel should appeal to both SF and mystery fans." |
1987-10-01 | Issue 7 | Grab Bag | Rita McConville | view |
Death Tolls |
"There is a great deal of light humor scattered about the book, and some fine suspense.... I definitely recommend this book." |
1987-09-01 | September 1987 | FOSFAX | Timothy Lane | view |
Death Tolls |
"...succeeded where so many others have failed.... respectable both as science fiction and as mystery." |
1987-09-01 | September 1987 | Drood Review of Mystery | Ed Blachman | view |
Memory Blank |
"Entertaining!" |
1987-01-01 | Date unknown | Voice of Youth Advocates | unknown | view |
Memory Blank |
"This futuristic thriller is taut and gripping, the characters are believable, and the computer's pretty human, too!" |
1987-01-01 | Winter 86/87 | British Science Fiction Society Newsletter | Di Wathen | view |
Memory Blank |
"I put aside another book I'd been reading, and even stayed up late one night finishing Memory Blank when I should have been catching up on sleep." |
1986-08-01 | 1 August 1986 | Pikes Peak Journal | Ken Jordan | view |
Memory Blank |
"An enjoyable read." |
1986-08-01 | Aug/Sep 1986 | West Coast Review of Books | John Sherman | view |
Memory Blank |
"Gave me the most realistic description of living in an O'Neill colony of anything I've read, and colony descriptions are interwoven through this fast-paced and intriguing story." |
1986-07-01 | July 1986 | L5 News | Carla Bucy | view |
Memory Blank |
"This is a spaceborn mystery story, quite well done." |
1986-07-01 | July 1986 | Science Fiction Chronicle | Don D'Ammassa | view |
Memory Blank |
"John Stith is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine. Good reading!" |
1986-06-01 | June 1986 | Galactic Dispatch | Joe Sokola | view |
Memory Blank |
"In the realm of novels, John E. Stith's Memory a good solid mystery, a good adventure, and even a good science-fiction novel--all between one set of covers." |
1986-05-01 | May 1986 | Starlog | Chris Henderson | view |
Memory Blank |
"Pretty good fun." |
1986-05-01 | May 1986 | Fantasy Review | Joe Sanders | view |