John E. Stith's blog

Interview with Super Dave Raines

Here's the 3 July 2016 video interview with Super Dave Raines and the Big Show.

DEEP QUARRY release and new interview

Today marks the official re-release of DEEP QUARRY from ReAnimus Press.  There's also a new interview online at Compulsive Reader.

 See also: Books Are Love.

DEEP QUARRY Reviewed in Amazing Stories

DEEP QUARRY was reviewed by David Kilman on 29 June 2016 for AMAZING STORIES. "... good, old-fashioned, sense of wonder SF. ... an excellent read."

Full review here.

Simon Sidekick short story released

Another short story is available for pre-order now: "Simon Sidekick." It will be available in audio form also (narrated by Rich Adams) in a few days. It's from DRAGON MAGAZINE in 1984 and features a boy who gets an AI smart watch as a present. It was reprinted last year in The Moon Miners' Manifesto, the periodical of The Moon Society.

One Giant Step audio short story released

"One Giant Step", a short story, is now available in audio at Amazon and other markets. 

ReAnimus Press Re-Release Schedule Announced


The ReAnimus Press re-release schedule has been set.

This Year
July 1, 2016: DEEP QUARRY Order here.
October 1, 2016: REUNION ON NEVEREND
November 15, 2016: REDSHIFT RENDEZVOUS
December 15, 2016: MEMORY BLANK

Next Year
February 1, 2017: RECKONING INFINITY
March 15, 2017: DEATH TOLLS
May 1, 2017: SCAPESCOPE
June 15, 2017: ALL FOR NAUGHT

Upcoming COSine Panel Schedule

My COSine panels this coming weekend (22-24 January, 2016):

Friday 5pm - The Singularity and Social Media

COSine Convention Appearance Upcoming

The COSine convention is coming up in two weeks in Colorado Springs. The guests of Honor include Jim Butcher, Connie Willis, and Courtney Willis, as well as Bryan and Baxter. See you there!

Slow Light Photography

In REDSHIFT RENDEZVOUS, aboard the REDSHIFT hyperspace craft, light travels at ten meters per second. Now, researchers have been able to photograph a trillion frames per second, so they can watch light travel slowly into a liquid-filled pop bottle. It's pretty amazing video, and they postulate how this could be used to see around corners. TED Talk on YouTube.


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